Colombo 011-232-3443

Jaffna 021-221-6944

Vavuniya 024-205-2400


Autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et dolore feugait.

At BBK, we know that administering the payroll can be a time-consuming task.

In addition, the advent of Real Time Information and pensions auto-enrolment have served to add to the burden for many businesses. As a result, many business owners are making the choice to outsource their payroll requirements.

BBK can help to relieve the administrative burden, while offering peace of mind that you are complying with the necessary legislation.

We can deal with all of your payroll needs, from providing customised payslips to administering PAYE, national insurance and statutory payments, completing all of the necessary forms, including year end returns for employees and HMRC, and submitting them on your behalf.

We can also provide summaries and analysis of staff costs, administer incentive schemes and bonuses, and administer pension schemes.

Let BBK take care of the payroll, so you can concentrate on other areas of your business – to find out more, call our friendly and efficient team.
