Colombo 011-232-3443

Jaffna 021-221-6944

Vavuniya 024-205-2400

Accounting & Bookkeeping

Autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et dolore feugait.

At BBK, we understand that time spent dealing with the accounts means less time and resources to dedicate to other areas of your business.

Which is where we come in. We can help by dealing with your accounting and book-keeping on your behalf.

Whatever the size and nature of your business, we can help. We can cover all of your accounting needs, from preparing your annual and periodic management accounts, to maintaining PAYE and VAT records and returns, and dealing with PAYE and national insurance.

Our expert team can take care of your book-keeping needs, collecting all of the appropriate bank statement and other papers and ensuring that they are filed in line with official requirements.

We also offer advice on self assessment and can liaise with HM Revenue & Customs in the event of any queries.

We take pride in keeping your accounts and balancing the books – so you don’t have to!

To find out how our efficient and cost-effective accounting and bookkeeping services could benefit your business, contact BBK today.
