Colombo 011-232-3443

Jaffna 021-221-6944

Vavuniya 024-205-2400


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BBK Partnership was first established back in 1987. Over the years we have provided expert accountancy, taxation, auditing and business recovery services to a wide range of clients, from individuals and partnerships, to small and medium-sized businesses and larger organisations.

However, we also offer far more than traditional compliance services. We aim to work with you, building a proactive relationship that offers practical advice and solutions designed to help you and your business to succeed.

Based in the South East of England, with offices in Barnet, Croydon and Chatteris, we work with businesses and individuals across the UK.

Practical solutions

We offer clear, practical advice that cuts through the jargon and helps you to make the most of your business and your personal finances.

Always on hand

We believe in keeping in touch, and we have built positive, long-standing relationships with many of our clients. We aim to be there for you whenever you need us!

The whole picture

Our team boasts a wide range of skills and specialisms, and we can provide comprehensive support in all areas of tax, business and financial planning – from starting a new venture, to improving profits and taking your business forward.
